◼️ Bad Prime Day Advice

This Issue's TLDR...

  • Either the worst, or best, advice to take to crush it on Prime Day
  • Actual data on the spillover effects from your off-Amazon marketing
  • Time-tested frameworks to improve your sales copy

👉 Did someone forward you this newsletter? First of all, give them a crisp high five when you see them. Second, head over here to subscribe and read past issues.

🗣 Programming Note: Best@Amazon will be off next week due to the 4th of July holiday. Go eat some food, drink some drinks, and try not to lose an appendage from a fireworks incident.


Color More Lines

Yes, this is the Amazon agency that I acquired.

I haven't told the full story of how I acquired it (that's for another day), but one important detail of the story is that I spent 18 months looking for the RIGHT agency.

Over that period, I diligenced ~12 Amazon agencies and saw various combinations of bad and...meh.

Many were founder dependent.

Many lacked systems and processes.

Many consisted of B and C players.

In short, I kissed a lot of frogs before finding the one that had the people and processes to consistently deliver great results for clients.

If, in your gut, you feel like something is lacking with your current Amazon agency (HINT: It probably is), then drop us a line.

BEST From Me

It's the most wonderful time of the year for the Amazon service providers, gurus, and content marketers: Prime Day!

They get to post about the event date as if they are breaking news!

They get to push out surface-level strategies and tips to win on Prime Day (which were probably recycled from last year) and solidify their status as Amazon thought leaders!

What a wonderful time.

Anyway, I'm not here to offer my Prime Day strategies for success.

Instead, I want to share some anti-advice. Or, maybe, my "contrarian tips" for winning on Prime Day.

You see, for many of us that have actually sold on Amazon, and are NOT big, massive, omni-channel brands, Prime Day can often be a let down.

Sales might only spike a little.

Or, sales may spike, but you lost money, and the "halo" of post Prime Day sales at higher margins that everyone promised didn't appear.

I get it. I've been there.

It turns out, Prime Day *is* a bit of a middle finger to the average Amazon seller.

But, be that as it may, I still want to arm you with some unconventional, perhaps contrarian, advice for Prime Day.

Tip 1: Prioritize Inventory Management Over Marketing Spend

Some brands and sellers aim to sell-through most, or all, of their stock in the days leading up to Prime Day, and on Prime Day.

My approach is to throttle my sales. I want to participate in Prime Day, but in a more measured way such that: 1) I'm generally holding my BSR relative to key competitors, 2) I'm winning some NTB customers, and 3) I'm not making too many sales to pure discount shoppers, who are unlikely to repeat as my customers.

Every brand and product will be different, but I try to cap my Prime Day sell-through to 30% of my on-hand stock, so I have 70% to sell in the post-Prime Day period at higher margin, and to give me a buffer for the FC receiving delays that always happen following an event period. (I've talked about this before on social media, but Amazon FCs balance inbound

"But, Jon, how can you throttle your sales when you have stock at FBA?"

Well, for the past two Prime Day events, I've throttled my sales by intentionally price suppressing my own listings.

(If you don't know how to do this, you set a max_price guardrail in Manage Your Inventory below your current price.)

In doing so, I've been able to capture sales post-Prime Day that are 1) higher margin and 2) available to me simply because my competitors stocked out.

Tip 2: Prioritize AOV Over Sales Volume

The game changed with virtual bundles earlier this year when Amazon moved them above-the-fold on detail pages.

Because of that, here's a strategy that you can employ with them for Prime Day:

  1. Discount the "main component" (i.e., the ASIN PDP on which the virtual bundle will live) by a moderate discount of 10-15%.
  2. Discount the virtual bundles -- which should feature 1-2 additional products -- by a higher discount of 25-30%.

Tip 3: Protect Your Downside

In this case, I'm talking about a few downsides:

  1. Black Hat attacks that seek to tie up your inventory by purchasing large order quantities.
    • ACTION: Set maximum quantity limits. I generally like to look back at my order history, and adopt a pareto approach -- that is, set a quantity limit that allows for 80% of my largest orders to still be fulfilled.
  2. Discount stacking that leads to your products being sold for well-below the expected promo price.
    • ACTION: As soon as your promos go live, buy your product yourself, as a customer. As of mid-2021ish, Seller Support will no longer cancel FBA orders that were incorrectly priced (and could mean BIG losses for you). So, the only way to *really* know if there's potential promo/discount stacking when in cart, is to go through check-out yourself.


I've been feeling a bit snarky lately.

Or, rather, exhausted from a lot of the disinformation and posturing that happens in the Amazon ecosystem.

Some of which is from Amazon directly (see my tweet about the potential customer impact of Amazon's gating of Clinique); some of which is from various service providers in the space.


Hey You!

I'm continually impressed by the caliber of readers of this newsletter.

Best@Amazon readers truly are...the BEST...and I want to pay it forward by showcasing and celebrating different things that you all are doing.

So, if you're working on something cool, or have something that you want to share and get feedback on, just reply to this email and I'll give you some page space in a future edition of B@A.

Amazon Questions?

Amazon isn't easy. Everyone needs a little help from a friend. If you ever have a tough Amazon question, I'm only a phone call away.

BEST from Everyone Else

Best From X

This thread is SUPER important if you're building your brand off-Amazon and/or looking to leverage off-Amazon marketing to gain an edge on Amazon.

I'm not going to waste your time commenting on this here, because I want you to spend time reading this thread.


Best From LinkedIn

A lot of Prime Day advice is some variant of "optimize your product listings."

It's not bad advice, per se, it's just...more of a "what to do" vs "how to do it."

I hate that kind of advice.

So, I'll give you (some of) the "how"...

Use these time-tested copywriting frameworks from Neal O'Grady to make your product listing copy more compelling.

NOTE: I wouldn't touch the bullets or descriptions, so as to avoid indexing issues before Prime Day; instead, build out your sales copy in your images using these frameworks.

Updates to Amazon Private Label Pathway

No updates this week.


Back Story on the Amazon Private Label Pathway, ICYMI...

A few months back, I had a small group of coaching clients that were at the same point in their Amazon seller journeys.

I found myself answering the same questions, and pointing them to the same resources, so, in true Amazon fashion, I asked myself "What's the 1-to-Many solution here?" and built a Notion page of helpful resources, which I've called "Amazon Private Label Pathway."

You can get access to it here: https://auxo.gumroad.com/l/amazonpathway (it's free; but if you want to buy me a beer, I won't object)​

Interested in Sponsoring Best @ Amazon?

This newsletter has exploded beyond my expectations.

As of this writing, I have 3.5k of the Top 1% of sellers, brands, and practitioners in the Amazon space reading every week.

If you want to reach them, well, first of all, you better have a pretty compelling offering.

But second, simply hit "Reply" on this newsletter and I'll provide details on the various options.

Best @ Amazon

I'm a former Amazon marketplace leader and current 8-figure seller. I write about advanced strategies and tactics for Amazon brands, that you won't read about anywhere else. Not for beginners.

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