◼️ 3 Cheap Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Store

This Issue's TLDR...

  • 3 cheap(ish) traffic hacks that still work in 2024
  • A new fraud type out of China just dropped
  • How to calculate the CVR of any ASIN on Amazon

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BEST From Me

Traffic versus Conversion.

The debate we all *love* to have.

Normal people argue about sports teams.

Marketers and Amazon nerds argue about traffic and conversion.

It's the cross we bear, I guess.

We're not going to get into that debate today though.

You all probably know where I stand ("It depends").

Rather, I simply want to share 3 of the "Traffic Hacks" that I've been using for myself, and my brand clients (with great effect!).

➡️ For Improved SEO...Enrich your Amazon images with metadata

  • WHAT: Did you know that Google indexes your Amazon images? This means that, if you have keywords on the back-end of your images, Google will index them and your PDPs will benefit (You'll see the importance of this later in the newsletter).
  • HOW: I'm not talking about alt-text here. You're going to need to use Adobe Photoshop, or a free open-source tool like GIMP, to edit the metadata of your images and add relevant keywords for your product.

➡️ For Off-Amazon Traffic...Leverage affiliate marketing platforms

  • WHAT: Seems like affiliate marketing platforms are popping up everywhere these days. I know of, and use, 5 of them. Oh, and don't let anyone convince you that one platform is categorically better than the others. As always: "It depends." The main factors that will impact your performance on any of these platforms are product-affiliate fit (It shouldn't surprise you that a food publication isn't going to want to promote your baby shoes brand) and the commission rates that you offer.
  • HOW: Like I said, there are a lot of options here. Levanta is the platform that people in this space are quick to promote ("Whose Bread I Eat, His Song I Sing"), but don't sleep on Archer Affiliates, Content Connections, and Perch+. Also...none of these are mutually exclusive. Use them all!

➡️ For Off-Amazon Traffic...Buy cheap or expired domains + 301 redirect

  • WHAT: This one is a little meaty, but briefly:
    • Expired domains are those that were previously owned but are no longer active. These domains often have existing domain authority (a measure of trustworthiness and ranking potential) and backlinks.
    • A 301 redirect is a code that permanently redirects one URL to another. When set up, it tells search engines that the original URL has permanently moved to the new URL. Sort of like telling the USPS that you've changed mailing addresses.
    • The primary benefit of doing this is you transfer the acquired domain's authority and backlinks. You're basically stealing SEO.
  • HOW: Use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find expired domains with high domain authority and a strong backlink profile. Purchase the domain through a domain registrar or auction site. Set up a 301 redirect to point the expired domain to your primary website. (Just ask ChatGPT to walk you through this)

How about a few BONUS hacks?

Check out my appearance on the Intentwise podcast earlier this year, in which I talk about:

➡️ Social media promo codes

➡️ Customer journey mapping

➡️ Buying media assets

video preview



Join my good friends: Freddie from Toucan Advisors, Chris from GW Partners, and Nick Larsen from Larsen Marketing for an insightful webinar on "Maximizing the Value of Your Brand Across Multiple Channels."

In the webinar, they'll be covering:

✅ Optimizing Your Amazon Presence, including strategies for increasing market share and visibility within Amazon, and how you can utilize Amazon's tools and features to boost your brand’s performance.

✅ Impact on Brand Valuation, including understanding the key metrics that affect your brand's value on Amazon, and how to present your brand’s performance data to attract potential buyers or investors.

✅ Best Practices for Amazon Success, including tips on maintaining high product ratings, competitive pricing, and robust customer feedback, and effective inventory management and logistics to ensure seamless operations.

✅ Expanding Beyond Amazon, including the importance of acquiring customers off Amazon to build a stronger brand, as well as insights into how Meta and other marketing strategies contribute to a healthy brand ecosystem.

✅ Preparing for a Future Exit, including steps to take now to ensure your brand is attractive to potential buyers, and how to build a compelling exit strategy that highlights your brand's success across multiple channels.

BEST From Everyone Else

BEST from the Group Chats

This PSA is courtesy of my good friend, Ben Eklof:

Hey all not sure how many FBM sellers are in the chat but wanted to share the absolute disaster that Walmart.com is currently facilitating with China-based scammers.
Basically, they create fake Walmart seller accounts and recreate 100,000s of Amazon FBM listings under a bunch of stupid placeholder brand names. Then, when they receive an order from an unknowing Walmart customer , they dropship the product via Amazon/the legit seller via one of hundreds of fake Amazon customer accounts they own. Once the order has been delivered, they then file an A-Z claim from within the account stating no delivery (despite tracking showing it was delivered) and invariably win and get a full refund. So they get all the proceeds from their Walmart sale, and the true seller on Amazon is left holding the bag. We can try and protect ourselves from losing these claims with Amazon buy shipping, but we typically get better rates with our own carrier account so it’s super frustrating. There’s a group of impacted sellers putting together a class action but who knows how long it’ll take or if it even goes anywhere. Some have even suggested Walmart is aware and perhaps even complicit. In the meantime we’re having to apply extra scrutiny to every order we receive to try and gauge if it’s legit or not. Another day in paradise…. Anyway - if you’re an FBM seller and you’re noticing an uptick in A-Z claims with super broken English, maybe take a look on Walmart to see if anyone’s pulling this on you

Just another day in paradise for us Amazon sellers, amirite?!

BEST from LinkedIn

Back in the day, when an Amazon advertising expert would push upper-funnel activities on me, my response was always:

Mostly, it was an honest recognition of what my brand was and was not. (HINT: My brand is NOT Dude Wipes and doesn't have that kind of awareness and recognition)

But also, it was a measurement issue.

While I didn't think the deck was set for my upper-funnel activities to translated to branded search and lower-funnel actions, I had no way of knowing. Because I/we were living in a last-click attribution world.

That has changed now, with Amazon Marketing Cloud.

My old Amazon colleague, Joon Choi, elaborates:

BEST from X

Here's a fun fact:

Amazon is one of Google's largest advertisers.

"Duh, Jon. That's obvious."

OK, well, did you know that Amazon has invested tens of millions into building sophisticated adtech to optimize its Google Adwords budgets, bids, and placements?

It's all done through an internal tool called Hydra.

And it's crazy powerful.

When I was at Amazon, I saw first-hand how dialing up (or down) Hydra could influence overall Amazon.ca site traffic.

It affords Amazon a level of precision in forecasting site traffic that other companies can only dream of.

I mention all this because...

...Amazon tried launching Amazon Mexico back when I was there *without* using Hydra and, well...[cue dumpster fire].


This is an awesome hack from my buddy, Isaac.

It's not always obvious, but you can get A LOT of insights about a product or brand based on Amazon first party data, simply by stitching together different Brand Analytics reports in Seller Central.

Despite that, ASIN level CVR is one of those metrics that was hard to stitch together from Amazon data.

The best you could sometimes do, is combine SQP Clicks+Purchases data with Click Share % and Purchase Share % in Top Search Terms to obtain CVR for the Top 3 ASINs for a given query. (Or use a third-party tool)

This is much better and broader than that.

Thanks Isaac!

Best @ Amazon

I'm a former Amazon marketplace leader and current 8-figure seller. I write about advanced strategies and tactics for Amazon brands, that you won't read about anywhere else. Not for beginners.

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